Setting Goals and Objectives

An important part of leading a facilitated discussion, meeting, or session is to identify the purpose of the effort.
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Identifying the purpose of a facilitated discussion, meeting, or session is a critical first step in the planning process. The purpose must be acceptable to both the organization and prospective attendees.  

A key question should be posed to clearly identify the purpose: Why is this facilitated discussion important to our organization, department/faculty, key stakeholders, and/or partners 

A variety of reasons may be identified including developing ideas, planning, solving problems, making decisions, developing an understanding, encouraging enthusiasm or support, establishing direction, or creating a common purpose.  

The next step is to determine the best course of action to establish a clear set of goals and objectives for the session. Two approaches may be considered:

  • Cascading. Develop a set goals and objectives prior to the facilitated discussion.
  • Co-creating. The goals and objectives are determined with the participants at the commencement of the session.  


When planning the goals and objectives of your facilitated session, begin by asking: Why is this facilitated discussion important to our organization, department/faculty, key stakeholders, and/or partners?

Last Updated:  March 24, 2021