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Institutional Strategic Initiatives (ISI) Workshop: The Arts and COVID-19, July 21, 9am

Session Description

July 21, 2020 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT

The Arts and COVID-19,  Tuesday, July 21, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

COVID-19 is a broad societal and existential crisis that has brought existing inequities into focus. During this time, the arts have played a critical role in our wellness. This new reality brings forward questions in two key areas:

• Arts and Wellbeing during COVID-19: How can the arts be used as a tool to cope during a crisis? How can the U of T arts community contribute to wellness?
• Practicing Art Forms in Times of Crisis: How do artistic practices change during a time of crisis? How do the arts survive and thrive in a time of crisis? How can we support the needs of the arts community?

This workshop will bring together members of the arts community from U of T and beyond to explore these two areas, identify a grand challenge, and set next steps.

Additional Information

For information on how to develop an initiative, to learn about upcoming ISI workshops and discover other ISI supports visit: https://research.utoronto.ca/isi

Please note: registration deadline is Sunday July 19, 2020, 11:59pm EDT.

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