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NSERC Arthur B. McDonald Fellowship Information Session – May 03, 2023
Session Description
May 3, 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Join the Office of the Vice-President, Research &Innovation for an information session on applying to the NSERC ArthurB. McDonald Fellowship internal competition.
The session will be led by Dr. Sarah Carson, Manager,University Awards and Honours, who will share insights on the profile of recentFellowship recipients, the internal selection process, and writing the 6-pagenomination letter. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions anddiscuss the program.
About the Arthur B. McDonald Fellowships:
The Natural Sciencesand Engineering Research Council (NSERC) awards up to six Arthur B.McDonald Fellowships annually to recognize early-stage academic researchersin the natural sciences and engineering and support them to enhance theirresearch capacity, so that they can become leaders in their field and inspireothers. Fellows receive a research grant of $250,000 over two years and arerelieved of teaching and administrative duties in order to be able to devotetheir time to research for the two-year period.
Eligiblecandidates must have held an independent academic position for 10 years or lessas of June 1 of the year of nomination (adjusted to take into account eligibledelays in research), and hold a grant from NSERC.
The University ofToronto may nominate up to 6 candidates per year for this opportunity.Candidates may self-nominate for consideration by following the internalselection process outlined in the OVPRI’s Honours& Awards Opportunities Database.