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PRiME-ETH Zurich Joint Symposium – September 27, 2021
Session Description
September 27, 2021 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
PRiME is hosting the third installment of the Connaught Global Challenge Series introducing our partnership with ETH Zurich. This event will feature investigators from both PRiME and ETH Zurich who are working at the forefront of disease-in-a-dish/on-a-chip models and engineering molecular structure for imaging.
More information, and full agenda can be found here.
Models & Tools forNext-Generation Precision Medicine
Cornelia Halin - Professor,Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences,ETH Zurich
"Blocking leukocyte migration for the treatment of cornealtransplant rejection”
Milica Radisic - Professor, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, UofT
“Organ-on-a-chip models of COVID-19”
Klaus Eyer - Assistant Professor,Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zurich
“From Bedside to Benchand back – the value of simple model systems and high-resolution single-cellanalysis”
Engineeringmolecular structure for imaging
Ray Reilly - Professor, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, UofT; Director, Centrefor Pharmaceutical Oncology
“MolecularImaging of the Delivery of Trastuzumab to Brain Metastases in Patients withHER2-Positive Breast Cancer Enhanced by MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound”
RogerSchibli – Associate Professor,Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zurich; Head, Center forRadiopharmaceutical Science (CRS)
“Nuclear theragnostics from bench-to-bedside”
Gang Zheng- Associate Research Director & Senior Scientist, PrincessMargaret Cancer Centre
“Porphysome nanotheranostics: fromdiscovery toward the first-in-human”