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Using NVivo as a Research Tool (Webinar)

Session Description

December 3, 2019 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am EST

Register for this Webinar at: 

This webinar will cover how NVivo can assist with your research in the following ways:

  • Transcription: New NVivo Transcription tool that can be your automated transcription assistant. Quality assessment of articles
  • Literature Review: Efficiently organize and tag literature, easily keep track of critical quotes, and track ideas across many articles
  • Coding: Code your literature, interviews, surveys, and any other data you may collect in a single, convenient location and analyze all your data for multiple articles in one NVivo project
  • Analyzing Data: Using queries to uncover potential themes, understand words in context, and explore relationships
  • Findings: Gather together all your research findings in a single location, making it easy to link your literature and your data, and to easily find quotes to illustrate themes
  • Publish: With all your data organized and analyzed in an NVivo project, writing happens quickly and easily. Generate rich visualizations in NVivo, which can be exported and included in an article or presentation
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