Addressing Problems and Barriers

Solutions to address some common challenges that might arise during a facilitated session
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A variety of challenges and barriers might arise during a facilitated session. It is important to have a bank of easy solutions to immediately respond to these issues in a respectful and constructive manner.


Problem Response
One or more participants dominate the discussion   “Thank you…I welcome other’s thoughts…”   
A participant continues to change the subject “That is a very interesting point. What is your perspective on …” 
Individuals are interrupting one another  “Let’s begin with Jason, followed by Trish and then Stacey 
Conflict arises among the group  Your points of view demonstrate the complexity of this issue.”  
The group lacks sufficient information to progress the conversation   “How about we push pause for now and gather further information after this session?” 
Not enough time is allocated  Focus on the main objectives and begin to approach next steps:

“I want to be respectful of your time, are there any other final comments or questions? 


Last Updated:  May 18, 2021
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