Cascading Facilitated Session Goals and Objectives

A list of key questions to ask to help define process and product objectives for a session. 
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A strategy to clearly define the goals of the facilitation is to align on the process and product objectives of the session. Simply described, the process objective focuses on the journey whereas the product objective relates to the destination. 

Determining process objectives for a facilitated session 

process objective provides the necessary groundwork, planning, or context-setting to implement an idea. For example, a group may adapt a comprehensive plan to build a new research centre. In this case, the adaption of the plan is the process objective.  

Consider the non-tangible desired outcomes of the session (e.g., changed attitudes, consensus, novel ideas). Use the following key questions to clearly define the process objectives:  

  • Who are the key stakeholders and/or partners that matter most 
  • How do you want to impact the participants throughout the session? 
  • What do you want your participant’s key takeaways to be from the session? 
  • If you have facilitated a session with these participants in the past, what has worked well? What could be improved? 

Determining the product objectives of a facilitated session 

product objective is the desired outcome that the organization is attempting to achieve. For example, gathering a large group of faculty members at a conference center to exchange research best-practices. In this case, the attendance of faculty at a conference is the product objective.  

Consider the tangible desired outcomes of the session (e.g., report, document, manuscript). Use the following key questions to clearly define the product objectives:  

  • What are you trying to accomplish through the facilitation? 
  • Why are you trying to accomplish this? 
  • What are your existing knowledge gaps? 
  • What is preventing you from accomplishing your objectives?
  • How will you measure success? 
Last Updated:  March 24, 2021
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