Evaluation Matrix

An Evaluation Matrix can be used to refine or select ideas by evaluating them against criteria that support facilitation objectives
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The Evaluation Matrix is a decision-making tool that encourages the evaluation of ideas against criteria that support the advancement of the session objectives. This tool can be effective for refining and evaluating ideas, and promoting alignment of participant perspectives through the idea selection process 

 Session Approach 

  • Define and align on the decision-making criteria based on the session objectives, nature of content, and individual project constraints.  
  • Provide participants with 5-7 minutes to generate ideasAssign participants into small groups to share their ideas, ensuring diversity within each small groupIf virtual, leverage the break-out room feature on online platforms.  
  • Facilitate a large group share out, asking each spokesperson to share the key conclusions from their small group discussion. Develop a rating scale (e.g. 1-5, A-B-C, etc.) to prioritize each idea in accordance with the predetermined criteria. 
  • Option: Calculate rating based on predetermined scale 

Templates & Downloads

Last Updated:  March 23, 2021
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