Research Design

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NOTE: This guide is in development.


Integrating Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) considerations at each stage of the research process is essential to creating innovative and impactful research, making findings more ethically sound, relevant to society and responsive to national and global challenges. The purpose of this guide is to share practical resources for embedding equity, diversity and inclusion in every stage of the research process.

Key Considerations

  • Adopt an inclusive definition of research excellence.
  • Consider who is involved in the research, who the subjects are and who is impacted by the research.
  • Consider how all relevant aspects of the research design could be strengthened by integrating EDI considerations. 

Guidance and Practices

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Considerations at each Stage of the Research Process

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)

To assist the research communities it serves, NSERC has developed this resource on how to embed EDI considerations to each stage of the research process.

This guide helps support New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) applicants and reviewers, in addition to applicants to other federal research funding programs, in achieving greater equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in their research practice and design.

This resource from SSHRC provides examples of EDI in research practice and guiding questions to consider for EDI in research design.

Facilitating non-Tokenistic User Involvement in Research

Romsland, G. I., Milosavljevic, K. L., & Andreassen, T. A. (2019). Facilitating non-tokenistic user involvement in research. Research Involvement and Engagement, 5(1), 18

This study reviews ways in which to avoid tokenism in user involvement and how to instead stimulate active user engagement in research.

This toolkit introduces key concepts, definitions, and short video lectures from research experts on integrating SGBA+ into a variety of research methodologies in health research.

Training written on wooden blocks on yellow background


Resources for training team members on embedding equity, diversity, and inclusion throughout the research cycle.

GBA Plus is a Government of Canada initiative demonstrating its commitment to advance gender equality in Canada. The content of this course focuses on the basic introduction to gender-based analysis (GBA) Plus including key concepts of GBA Plus and recognize how various identity and social factors can influence the experience of federal government initiatives while applying some foundational GBA Plus concepts and processes.

How to Integrate Sex and Gender into Research

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

This set of resources was curated by the CIHR for applicants and peer-reviewers in biomedical, clinical, health systems and services and population health disciplines. This includes training modules on integrating sex and gender in Biomedical Research, Primary Data Collection with Human Participants, and the Analysis of Secondary Data from Human Participants.

Sex and Gender Training Modules

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

This series of three interactive courses are designed to help researchers and reviewers account for and appropriately assess the integration of sex and gender across multiple areas of health research. Course 1 addresses sex and gender in biomedical research; Course 2 addresses sex and gender in primary data collection with human participants; and Course 3 addresses sex and gender in the analysis of secondary data from human participants.

This resource includes methods of sex, gender and intersectional analysis for researchers and provides case studies as examples how these analyses can lead to innovation.

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