Home » Faculty Writing Accelerator: 12 Weeks to Publication 2024
Faculty Writing Accelerator: 12 Weeks to Publication 2024
Date: September 13 – November 29, 2024
Scholarly writing is the mark of all disciplines and publishing scholarly writing is how fields are shaped and discipline conversations progress. This free program offered by CRIS to support faculty writing through a sustained 12-week series of discussions will focus on the practice of writing, improving abstracts and titles for higher rates of acceptance in scholarly journals, and foster opportunities to learn from interdisciplinary peers across the tri-campus.
If you have a draft piece of writing that you have been meaning to get ready for publication but are seeking motivation and accountability, this cohort-based catalyst is for you. At the end of 12 weeks, you will have a complete article that is ready for submission to a high-impact, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal. In addition to guided revising and editing, this program will provide opportunities to connect with colleagues from across the university, to build peer-to-peer support networks outside your disciplines around the activity of scholarly writing and will springboard your writing praxis into the summer months.
Writing regularly in a supportive community setting is a practical way to move articles (single and co-authored articles) and longer writing projects (including monographs or chapters in edited volumes) towards completion (Supporting Faculty Writers; How to Write a Lot; NCDFF WriteNow). To offer this type of support to the U of T research community, CRIS is facilitating the Faculty Writing Accelerator: 12 Weeks to Publication program, now in its third iteration. The program will draw weekly topics and guided writing activities from Wendy Laura Belcher’s best-selling Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success and provide weekly sessions that provide practical, step-by-step advice in getting an article published in a high-impact, peer-reviewed journal. It will be facilitated by Elizabeth Parke and Krystyna Kongats and is designed for a variety of disciplines—HUM/SS/STEM and stages of faculty careers. The cohort will be capped at 30 faculty members. Applications close August 2nd, 2024 with accepted participants notified by email. Participants will receive a copy of the workbook (either hardcopy or e-book) before the start of the program.
The emphasis of the program is to provide dedicated space and time to writing and will use asynchronous accountability tools and facilitated, dedicated co-writing sessions to propel the solitary act of writing into a space of meaningful group accountability and generative intellectual exchange. In addition to building a regular writing practice and completing a scholarly article in 12 weeks, participants will hear from guest speakers, drawn from the vibrant intellectual community of U of T, who will offer short ‘Spark Talks’ that will punctuate the series. Spark Talks will explore unique perspectives from colleagues who are journal editors, who organize writing retreats, and who are university leaders.
Expectations and Commitments
Faculty participants will spend two hours weekly in synchronous sessions with the entire group with additional asynchronous writing, editing, and reading time presumed. Accepted participants will receive a copy (either hardcopy or e-book) of the book Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks (2019).
Dates, Times, Location:
Fridays, 10am-12pm EST on Zoom:
September: 13, 20, 27
October: 4, 11, 18, 25
November: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Requirements for Participation
Participants must hold a continuing faculty appointment at the University of Toronto. To optimize program impact, participation will be limited to 30 participants.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the Faculty Writing Accelerator: 12 Weeks to Publication participants will have three tangible, written scholarly outcomes:
- A finished article ready for submission to a scholarly peer-reviewed journal
- A writing schedule that works for them during the term
- Completed abstract and title optimized for keyword searches and discoverability
Additionally, participants will have these longitudinal outcomes:
- Peer-to-peer, cross disciplinary networks at U of T
- Awareness of editorial process for getting articles accepted in scholarly journals
- Understand how to create, run, and maintain future faculty writing groups
Application Process
Interested faculty should register their interest through EVE: by August 2nd 2024. Please click here to register.
Communicating Results
We thank all faculty who apply, successful applicants will be notified by email.

September 13 – November 29
Key Benefits:
- Establish regular writing habits
- Build and sustaining writing as a process over time
- Hone and clarify arguments and claims
- Gain supportive group accountability to counteract the isolation of writing
- Develop strategies for giving engaged, useful feedback to others’
- Learn other discipline’s writing conventions
- Learn how to increase scholarship discoverability with keywords and bibliometrics
- Discover scholarly publishing and supports available at UofT Libraries (e.g., OA; copyright; author rights negotiation);
Who should attend?
Faculty currently working on a piece of writing, single or co-authored, for submission to a peer-reviewed scholarly journal.
Please note: faculty engaged in co-writing an article are welcome either with their co-author or can participate independently.
Elizabeth Parke, Faculty Programming Development Officer, CRIS and Krystyna Kongats, Collaborative Programs Officer, CRIS
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