REDCap Resources

REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a secure web application that University of Toronto faculty researchers can use to build and manage online surveys and databases. Below are the University of Toronto REDCap resources that will help you get started with REDCap and understand the basic and advanced features.

Contents on this page:

Getting Started

To get a REDCap account, navigate to Request REDCap Access and follow the instruction on how to request an account.

TitleDescriptionWatch Video
IntroductionAn introduction to REDCap at the University of Toronto. This video reviews how to get a REDCap account and access REDCap Supports.Video Link (10 minutes)

The following videos are produced in collaboration with the Academic & Collaborative Technologies (ACT).

TitleDescriptionWatch Video
Create a New ProjectA walkthrough on how to log into your REDCap account and create a New Project.  It also includes an explanation of the various tabs on the REDCap interface.Video Link (2 minutes)
Project Setup & User RightsA detailed demonstration on setting up a project and managing user rights.Video Link (4 minutes)
Online DesignerAn introduction to the Online Designer tool including how to create and validate a number of field types.Video Link (5 minutes)
Branching LogicA demonstration of branching logic – a feature that gives you the ability to automate skip sequences within an instrument.Video Link (5 minutes)
PipingA demonstration of piping – a feature that allows responses to a previous question to be inserted into upcoming instrument fields.Video Link (2 minutes)
MatrixA demonstration of matrix – a feature that allows you to apply the same set of response options to different questions in an instrument.Video Link (4 minutes)
Survey QueueA review of how to automate the order that your instruments are displayed to the participant.Video Link (2 minutes)
Survey DistributionAn overview of three REDCap survey distribution tools – public link, participant list and survey invitation log.Video Link (2 minutes)
Record Status DashboardAn overview of the Record Status Dashboard – a feature that allows you to get a quick high level overview of the current state of your project.Video Link (3 minutes)
Importing  DataAn illustration of how to import data in REDCap.Video Link (3 minutes)
Exporting DataAn illustration of how to export data in REDCap.Video Link (2 minutes)
ReportsA review of how to generate a report from REDCap.Video Link (3 minutes)
Copying & Deleting a ProjectA review of how to copy or delete projects on REDCap.Video Link (2 minutes)
Longitudinal DatabaseA demonstration of features of a longitudinal database, such as how to define events and assign forms to specific events, use the scheduling module, and advanced calendar features.Video Link (4 minutes)


New versions of REDCap are released frequently, so the videos may reflect earlier software versions and thus may look slightly different than your system. These videos were recorded on REDCap version 11.1.14

REDCap Office Hours

CRIS in collaboration with Academic, Research & Collaborative Technologies (formerly ACT) is hosting one-on-one consultation sessions to help you with your REDCap projects.
Learn more about REDCap Office Hours and how to register by clicking here

Additional REDCap Resources

  • REDCap Basic Training Webinars – Access previously recorded REDCap Training Webinars in our video library. The REDCap Basic Training 1 covered topics on how to set up a new project, distribute a survey, and collect and import the data to various statistical packages. Basic Training 2 covered more advanced topics, such as branching logic, piping, user rights management, etc.
  • University of Vanderbilt REDCap Training – This is a webpage that contains some informational REDCap videos that can help you get started and gain a better understanding of the REDCap application and its functionality. These videos are recorded by University of Vanderbilt – the owners of REDCap.
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