Resource Hub

Our self-serve catalogue of research and innovation resources and supports

Global Mapper is a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) desktop software, specializing in spacial data processing, analysis and visualization.…
Gephi is an open-source software for network visualization and analysis.…
Data conversion and transformation software with a focus on geospatial formats.…
Suite of desktop and online Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software. GIS software allows for the compilation, analysis and visualization of geographic data. The suite includes, among many others, ArcGIS, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, Sto…
  U of T Dataverse is a multi-disciplinary repository open to U of T researchers to deposit and share research data. It can also be used to discover and reuse data produced by other researchers. Deposited datasets receive DOIs. File…
A web-based software platform that streamlines the production of systematic reviews. Covidence supports citation screening, full text review, risk of bias assessment, extraction of study characteristics and outcomes, and the export of data …
Creative Cloud is a collection of 20+ desktop and mobile apps and services including: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and Adobe Acrobat Professional.…
Ontario Data Documentation, Extraction Service and Infrastructure <odesi> is a digital repository for social science data, including polling data. It is a web-based data exploration, extraction and analysis tool that uses the Data Doc…
The Systematic and Scoping Review Collaboration (SSRC) connects University of Toronto health science researchers with librarians, who partner as co-authors in the planning, execution, and writing of knowledge synthesis studies.…
This guide is intended for U of T faculty, staff, and students interested in launching a start-up company based on intellectual property developed at the University of Toronto. It is also a broad overview of the start-up process and provide…
The Inventor’s Guide to Technology Transfer explains how U of T’s technology transfer process works, from the patent process to negotiating license agreements. It also details U of T’s “inventor’s choice” policy.…
The Innovations & Partnerships Office (IPO) helps build successful partnerships between industry, government, and the U of T research community. IPO also manages U of T’s portfolio of intellectual property and is your first stop for tec…
Microsoft Teams is a collaborative, cloud-based workspace and communications tool that allows users to share files, in addition to supporting private and channel-based messaging.…
Forms is a new feature of Office 365 that allows for quick and easy creation of custom quizzes, surveys, questionnaires, registrations and more.…
The aim of this checklist is to assist you in avoiding publishing your work in a low-quality deceptive publication.…
The UTM Safe Travels Pilot Program was developed to help U of T faculty and staff safeguard U of T data when traveling abroad. The pilot program includes a pre-travel security consultation and laptop loan program.…
U of T's information security awareness and education initiative.…
REDCap is a web application for building and managing online surveys and databases. While REDCap can be used to collect virtually any type of data, it is specifically geared to support online or offline data capture for research studies and…
The My Research system is an online portal for research-related administrative and financial activities at the University of Toronto. It is made up of the following four systems: My Research Applications (MRA) My Research On Line (MROL…
The MADlab is devoted to accelerating mobile software development. The Lab hosts equipment, collaborative workspace, user groups and workshops, and is open to all University of Toronto students, staff and faculty…
This searchable database provides information on the latest Canadian and International research funding opportunities and research trends…
Part of the U of T International Partnerships Series. Video recording of "International Doctoral Clusters (IDC): Building Impactful Research Alliances with Partner Academic Institutions" on April 16, 2019. Learn how to initiate, launch &…
Part of the U of T International Partnerships Series. Video recording of "Building & Maintaining International Collaborative Research Consortia Partnerships" on Jan. 15, 2019. Learn how to initiate, grow & govern a consortium of glo…
Part of the U of T International Partnerships Series. Video recording of "International Corporate Partnerships Panel & Information Session" on Nov. 14, 2018. This session covers how to initiate, grow and deliver on collaborative researc…
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