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CADRE is a cloud-based text and data mining service for large datasets. Over 220 million scientific publications and 1.7 billion citations can be queried and analyzed.


Geodisy is an open-source geospatial discovery platform for Canadian open research data. It indexes datasets from Dataverse repositories, as well as bounding box metadata from all repositories harvested by Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR).

Ontario Data Documentation, Extraction Service and Infrastructure <odesi> is a digital repository for social science data, including polling data. It is a web-based data exploration, extraction and analysis tool that uses the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) social science data standard. <odesi> provides researchers the ability to search for survey questions (variables) across thousands of datasets. There are both microdata and aggregate data available, in a range of formats.

Data conversion and transformation software with a focus on geospatial formats.

The Map and Data Library offers a rich and diverse set of supports and services related to maps, datasets, microdata, data visualization, statistics, geospatial data portals, research data management, and more.

Geospatial datasets collection portal. Includes land-based vector data (water, cultural features, etc.), census geography, orthophotography, and more

CanPath provides health, behavioural, genomic and environmental data, as well as biological samples, from over 330,00 Canadian participants to researchers investigating environmental, lifestyle and genetic factors related to the development and progression of cancer and chronic diseases.

CANUE is a consortium made up of voluntary members from the multi-disciplinary fields of environmental health research, health policy, and urban design and planning. CANUE collates and generates standard measures of environmental factors and provides these data to the Canadian research community.

Access the latest COVID-19 funding opportunities, data and visualizations, and collaboration opportunities.

Re3data is a global registry of research data repositories that covers research data repositories from different academic disciplines. It includes repositories that enable permanent storage of and access to data sets to researchers, funding bodies, publishers, and scholarly institutions.

Research Tools (9) — Find resources for conducting R&I

CADRE is a cloud-based text and data mining service for large datasets. Over 220 million scientific publications and 1.7 billion citations can be queried and analyzed.


Geodisy is an open-source geospatial discovery platform for Canadian open research data. It indexes datasets from Dataverse repositories, as well as bounding box metadata from all repositories harvested by Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR).

Ontario Data Documentation, Extraction Service and Infrastructure <odesi> is a digital repository for social science data, including polling data. It is a web-based data exploration, extraction and analysis tool that uses the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) social science data standard. <odesi> provides researchers the ability to search for survey questions (variables) across thousands of datasets. There are both microdata and aggregate data available, in a range of formats.

Data conversion and transformation software with a focus on geospatial formats.

Geospatial datasets collection portal. Includes land-based vector data (water, cultural features, etc.), census geography, orthophotography, and more

CanPath provides health, behavioural, genomic and environmental data, as well as biological samples, from over 330,00 Canadian participants to researchers investigating environmental, lifestyle and genetic factors related to the development and progression of cancer and chronic diseases.

CANUE is a consortium made up of voluntary members from the multi-disciplinary fields of environmental health research, health policy, and urban design and planning. CANUE collates and generates standard measures of environmental factors and provides these data to the Canadian research community.

Access the latest COVID-19 funding opportunities, data and visualizations, and collaboration opportunities.

Re3data is a global registry of research data repositories that covers research data repositories from different academic disciplines. It includes repositories that enable permanent storage of and access to data sets to researchers, funding bodies, publishers, and scholarly institutions.

Administration Tools (0) — Find resources for administering R&I
Navigator (3) — Find services and offices with R&I expertise

The Map and Data Library offers a rich and diverse set of supports and services related to maps, datasets, microdata, data visualization, statistics, geospatial data portals, research data management, and more.

CanPath provides health, behavioural, genomic and environmental data, as well as biological samples, from over 330,00 Canadian participants to researchers investigating environmental, lifestyle and genetic factors related to the development and progression of cancer and chronic diseases.

CANUE is a consortium made up of voluntary members from the multi-disciplinary fields of environmental health research, health policy, and urban design and planning. CANUE collates and generates standard measures of environmental factors and provides these data to the Canadian research community.

Collaboration Spaces (0) — Find in person and virtual spaces
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