Resource Hub

Our self-serve catalogue of research and innovation resources and supports

The ITS Private Cloud service is an on-site U of T server and storage virtualization platform similar to public could providers.…
Compute Canada is a national governmental organization supporting advanced research computing (ARC) systems and storage, and provides support for large-scale, data-intensive research projects. Compute Canada includes SciNet, the supercomput…
This introduction video describes institution-wide advanced research computing resources available through the University including: SciNet and Compute Canada; The Southern Ontario Smart Computing Innovation Platform (SOSCIP); and Project J…
Through a combination of videos, web pages, quizzes, and activities, this self-paced online course will introduce participants to a common data visualization tool, Tableau Desktop. Self-enroll using your UTORid.…
Through a combination of videos, web pages, quizzes, and activities, this self-paced online course will use a data visualization design workflow model to introduce participants to best practices and guidelines for designing effective visual…
This document provides a comparison of REDCap and Microsoft Form features, and provides suggestions about appropriate use cases.…
This catalogue contains information about the broad array of applications and services offered to the U of T community by the Information Technology Services department.…
This video from SOSCIP introduces what they do, who they are, and how to get in touch with them.…
U of T Library resources to support researchers with information and guidance on research data management.…
This Op-Eds Toolkit from UBC Public Humanities includes examples, resources and information on submitting op-eds. Op-eds present opportunities for academics to share their research as it relates to current news events and issues.…
This Podcasting Toolkit from UBC Public Humanities includes examples, resources, tools, recommended reading, and information on promoting and funding your podcast. The podcast format can offer creative ways of presenting research.…
This website provides information, resources, recommendations, event listings etc. for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Research & Innovation for the University of Toronto.…
This website focuses on inclusive leadership for women in health care, health sciences, and Indigenous health. It includes evidence-informed EDI Toolkits and a virtual Community for Practice to support diverse women’s leadership.…
Geodisy is an open-source geospatial discovery platform for Canadian open research data. It indexes datasets from Dataverse repositories, as well as bounding box metadata from all repositories harvested by Federated Research Data Repository…
CADRE is a cloud-based text and data mining service for large datasets. Over 220 million scientific publications and 1.7 billion citations can be queried and analyzed.  …
Provides a range of learning opportunities for individuals interested in learning more about conducting, editing or reading a systematic review.    …
ChemWatch GoldFFX is an online database with SDS available in Globally Harmonized System format. Access from University of Toronto IP addresses only.    …
Online modules included in this toolkit introduce key concepts, definitions, and short video lectures from research experts on integrating sex and gender into a variety of research methodologies – from secondary data analysis to concept map…
An integral part of the methodological description of a systematic review and meta-analyses is a flow diagram. This tool allows you to produce a flow diagram for your own review that conforms to the PRISMA2020 Statement.    …
This website is a companion website for Doing Qualitative Research Online, first edition, by Janet Salmons. It includes slide kits, podcasts, and journal articles to support online qualitative inquiry.    …
This webpage includes a list of publishers, where the University of Toronto Libraries has negotiated discounts, giving eligible authors access to discounted article processing charges (APC).    …
This online module which is part of 'The Health Researcher's Toolkit: Why Sex and Gender Matter' was developed by Women's Xchange. In this module you will learn about the concept of intersectionality, why it is relevant to your research and…
This document is the second edition of a compilation of resources addressed to junior researchers whose social research projects have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Published by the University of Washington's Earth Lab.  …
This Government of Canada website provides information on how to safeguard your research and innovations.…
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