CRIS Spotlight on …

Leveraging Digital Platforms to Support Research Impact

Find out the many ways researchers can leverage digital platforms and strategies to meet their goal for knowledge exchange and dissemination.

Interactive Learning Modules

An interactive learning module is a short, self-directed, and on-demand structured learning sequence, such as a lesson or tutorial, that contains interactive content, including quizzes, embedded videos, and text fields that researchers can use to mobilize and disseminate their research.


  • If your division or department has resources for hosting websites for research projects, you may request provisioning of a web space to host interactive modules. Two common website platforms are WordPress and Drupal. You may also consider using U of T web services or other approved third-party web development and hosting services to support the creation and maintenance of your website.
  • The platform you choose may require additional plugins to be enabled to support interactive content sharing.
  • Using a website means that you will not have learner login processes or administrator’s records of individual learning activity other than web traffic activity reports (i.e., hits on pages).

Interactive e-Learning Objects

Online Guides and Learning Resources

Unlike interactive learning modules, online guides and sharable learning resources are static documents and pages used to present content, such as a textbook, webpage, or a pdf document.


  • As noted in the “Interactive Learning Modules” section of this spotlight, a website may be provisioned for sharing and disseminating research content. A website may contain a single page, or several pages made up of static text, images, and embedded video. Websites can also support links to full documents, such as PDFs.


  • If you do not have a website and would like to share a guide or reusable learning resource as an outcome of your research project, you may consider an open publishing platform such as Pressbooks, which is available at no cost through eCampusOntario.
  • Pressbooks publications are in “book” format, with a table of contents, chapters, etc. They can be enhanced with rich media in the form of videos or interactive components using the H5P technology noted in the “Interactive Learning Modules” section of this spotlight. This visual guide to using H5P technology with Pressbooks is a helpful primer.
  • Published resources in Pressbooks can be edited and downloaded for printing or reading on a range of digital devices.
  • The Pressbooks platform is often used for sharing open educational resources under the Creative Commons License.

Creative Commons License

  • When sharing digital learning content, it is advisable to indicate the terms under which your content can be used or adapted. The Creative Commons license model is a simple way for authors to outline the conditions of use for their material, which may be limited according to a range of criteria, including attribution, no derivatives, no commercialization, and share alike, in which any reuse must reflect the same permissions as current license. The two most common licenses used are CC-BY and CC-BY-NC.
  • Learn more about how to share your work with a Creative Commons license.
  • For further guidance on copyright and licensing, contact the Scholarly Communications and Copyright Office  of the University of Toronto Library.

Online Courses and Community Outreach

Online courses and outreach projects may be self-paced or synchronous on-demand learning opportunities comprised of—but not limited to—interactive learning modules, guides, and other shareable resources. These are typically administered through a course delivery platform and involve a longer period of time (e.g., several weeks) for participants to complete a course of learning.


  • Quercus  is not generally recommended for the purposes of research dissemination and knowledge exchange. It is primarily used for degree program credit courses. Course shells are normally generated based on ROSI registration information and access is available only to members of the university community who have a UTORid. While it is possible to manually create Quercus Shells and generate temporary UTORids for individuals external to the university, the process requires assistance from divisional IT or continuing education units. It is not a common practice as it presents issues related to sustained ownership of administration and maintenance of the course content and activity.

Coursera and EdX MOOCs

Resources to Help Build Your Digital Learning Content

Developing digital learning resources requires specific technical skills and expertise. Fortunately, the University of Toronto can provide access to services and expertise to help achieve your digital learning goals.

The University of Toronto offers a range of learning resource development supports, which are listed below:

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