CRIS Spotlight on …

Virtual Research Events and Conferences

Explore current techniques and leading practices for designing virtual research events.

Planning a Virtual Event

Comprehensive planning checklists and practical guidance:


Specific advice for transitioning in-person events to online:

Tools & Technologies

Enterprise video conferencing tools and technologies available at U of T  (costs may apply):

Comprehensive reviews and summaries of video conference technologies:

  • Quick Tech Guide – Outlines a diverse set of technology options for creating online communities, classes and conferences.
  • Tools for Virtual Conferencing– Includes communication platforms that may be useful for virtual conferences, with rankings that suggest best fit for academic conferences.
  • Wiki platforms for remote event participation – This general wikimedia page summarizes features of commercial and open source platforms for events. This page is not specific to academic events.
  • Please be advised that the above referenced resources may not be supported by U of T

Leading Practices & Illustrative Examples

Provide Guidance and Support for Your Presenters

Include a Code of Conduct for Participant

Catalogue and Enable Access to Event Proceedings and Content Post-Event

Personalize and Customize Attendee Experience

Combine Synchronous and Asynchonous Methods to Increase Participation

Focus on Social and Networking Opportunities

  • The Collision: From Home organizers have focused on providing a range of networking opportunities for attendees to engage with each other, ranging from 1:1 networking opportunities, group chats and lounges.

More References and Articles

General Planning

More Tech Considerations and How-To Guides

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