Open Access

Our self-serve catalogue of research and innovation resources and supports

This user-friendly, searchable platform helps U of T researchers identify journals with waived or discounted article processing charges (APCs).…
This event was a collaboration between the Digital Research Alliance of Canada, Borealis, and the Alliance’s Curation Events Working Group. In the ever-evolving digital landscape, the management of research data, including data licensing an…
This information video introduces digital research preservation in the context of the research data lifecycle and describes institution-wide digital preservation resources available at U of T.…
Jupyter is an open-source tool that supports interactive data science and scientific computing across programming languages. There is a JupyterHub at SciNet available for research use.…
FRDR is a platform for digital Research Data Management (RDM) and a robust repository option into which large research datasets can be ingested, curated, processed for preservation, discovered, cited, and shared.…
The Alliance serves Canadian researchers, with the objective of advancing Canada’s position as a leader in the knowledge economy on the international stage. By integrating, championing and funding the infrastructure and activities required …
This information video describes the use of data repositories for long-term storage and sharing of research data. The video discusses U of T Dataverse and TSpace and provides resources for identifying external repositories.…
Geodisy is an open-source geospatial discovery platform for Canadian open research data. It indexes datasets from Dataverse repositories, as well as bounding box metadata from all repositories harvested by Federated Research Data Repository…
This webpage includes a list of publishers, where the University of Toronto Libraries has negotiated discounts, giving eligible authors access to discounted article processing charges (APC).    …
UTL provides financial support to a number of external initiatives that work to unlock research created across disciplines. The University Libraries also provide resources for researchers and faculty looking to publish OA.…
  TSpace is an open access research repository established by University of Toronto Libraries to disseminate and preserve the scholarly record of the University of Toronto community, including faculty and graduate student research. …
The office offers a variety of services and supports such as the syllabus service, open access publishing support, copyright permissions, film screenings, and more.…
  U of T Dataverse is a multi-disciplinary repository open to U of T researchers to deposit and share research data. It can also be used to discover and reuse data produced by other researchers. Deposited datasets receive DOIs. File…
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