Our self-serve catalogue of research and innovation resources and supports
This TSpace Repository brings together policy-related research reports developed by University of Toronto Units on a variety of topics including local, provincial, national, and global public policy issues. This repository also provides gui…
This toolkit (PDF) provides a guide for researchers on the development of effective policy briefs to communicate research findings to policymakers to support evidence-informed decision-making.…
This Op-Eds Toolkit from UBC Public Humanities includes examples, resources and information on submitting op-eds. Op-eds present opportunities for academics to share their research as it relates to current news events and issues.…
This Podcasting Toolkit from UBC Public Humanities includes examples, resources, tools, recommended reading, and information on promoting and funding your podcast. The podcast format can offer creative ways of presenting research.…
This webpage includes a list of publishers, where the University of Toronto Libraries has negotiated discounts, giving eligible authors access to discounted article processing charges (APC).
Digital Scholarship Services at the University of Toronto Libraries (UTL) supports research using digital methods and tools (e.g. text and data mining), and provides help with APIs.…
Find resources and strategies to enhance your writing practice such as starting your own writing community.…
UTL Journal Production Services supports open access publishing at U of T by providing free hosting for academic faculty and student journals on Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform. You can publish your journal with UTL Journal Production S…
The Collections U of T service focuses on faculty and library department partnerships to design and develop digital collections.
UTL provides financial support to a number of external initiatives that work to unlock research created across disciplines. The University Libraries also provide resources for researchers and faculty looking to publish OA.…
TSpace is an open access research repository established by University of Toronto Libraries to disseminate and preserve the scholarly record of the University of Toronto community, including faculty and graduate student research.
The largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.…
The office offers a variety of services and supports such as the syllabus service, open access publishing support, copyright permissions, film screenings, and more.…
A citation management tool which allows you to keep track of your citations used in your research. Users can also annotate and organize research, while collaborating with other colleagues on campus.…
ORCID is an author identification registry resource that helps to eliminate any ambiguity regarding common author names. It allows any eligible researchers to register and receive a unique ID, manage their account, and search for others in …
Exhibits U of T showcases digitized material from University of Toronto Libraries collections. This allows faculty and students to create context-rich exhibits and web pages.…
The aim of this checklist is to assist you in avoiding publishing your work in a low-quality deceptive publication.…