What is Research Data?

What Is Research Data?
Research data is any information that is collected, observed, generated or created, and used as evidence in the research process to validate research findings and results.
Types of Research Data
Data are recorded information items that are considered for reference or analysis. Types of data that are collected covers a broad range that can be in digital and non-digital formats or medium. These include but are not limited to: text, numbers, symbols, videos, audio recordings, graphical representations, laboratory notebooks, clinical trial data, claim data, remote sensing data or scans of maps, diaries, and more.
Data can be defined in a variety of ways. Determining relevant research data is highly contextual and guided by disciplinary context and norms.

Why Manage Research Data?
Most researchers follow a set of data management activities to collect, use, and store data. It is important that research data is managed throughout the research life-cycle– from creating, publishing, archiving, and continuing after the research project has ended. Engaging in a research data management plan not only helps researchers, institutions, and funders adhere to policy and guidelines, a robust research data management plan enables transparency, security of data, equitable access, collaboration, sharing, and re-use.
Research Data Management Policy Requirements
In March 2021, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada announced the launch of the Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy that requires postsecondary institutions and research hospitals to create institutional research data management strategy.
Main requirements of the Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy
The Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy is intended to guide researchers on best practices for data management and data stewardship. The three key components of the Policy are:
Postsecondary institutions and research hospitals that administer funds are required to establish an institutional research data management strategy that will outline how the university will guide the direction for expected research data practices, support services and resources available (March 1, 2023).

For certain funding opportunities, agencies will require applicants to submit a data management plan at the time of application (Implementation Fall 2022/Winter 2023)

Grant recipients will be required to deposit digital research data, metadata and code that are considered relevant and supports the research conclusions (Implementation timeline TBA)

Tri-Agency Research Data Management (RDM) Policy Implementation
The agencies have identified an initial set of funding opportunities that are subject to the Data Management Plan (DMP) requirement for their applications. Researchers will be required to submit a DMP at the time of application for these pilot funding opportunities.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
- Network Grants in Skin Health and Muscular Dystrophy (Launched Fall 2022)
- Virtual Care/Digital Health Team Grants (Launch Fall 2022)
- Data Science for Equity (Anticipated launch winter 2023)

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
- Subatomic Physics Discovery Grants – Individual and Project (Anticipated launch summer 2023)

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
- Partnership Grants Stage 2 (Launched summer 2023)

University of Toronto Institutional Research Data Management Strategy
The University of Toronto has developed an Institutional Research Data Management Strategy (The Strategy). The Strategy will foster a culture of responsible data management practices. As research data management practices evolve, the institution will work to improve data management infrastructure, supports, and services.