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CRIS Faculty Book Proposal Studio
Session Description
June 15, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
The book proposal is the first step to securing your book’s publication. Join the CRIS Faculty Book Proposal Studio to jump start the proposal writing process in summer 2023. The online program draws on The Book Proposal Book (Portwood-Stacer, 2021). In sessions 1 and 3 we’ll be joined by UofT guest experts and acquiring editors who will share tips and their experience on Book Proposals. These short (~10 minute) ‘Spark Talks’ will animate our group discussions and offer insight into disciplinary conventions in publishing. The second hour of the sessions is dedicated to co-writing time. Participation will be capped at 30 to focus on creating a supportive space to write together online and to emphasize comradery and accountability among peers. Participating in this cohort presumes an expectation of confidentiality and collegiality.
Deadline to apply:
Applications will close May 8th, 2023.
Who Should Attend:
Faculty currently working on a book length manuscript and are planning to submit a book proposal within 3-6 months. The book manuscript can be single or co-authored. Please note, faculty engaged in co-writing or editing a book proposal are welcome either with their co-author or can participate independently.
Key Benefits:
- Produce a submission ready book proposal packet
- Build and sustaining writing as a process over time
- Hone and clarify book proposal components
- Gain supportive group accountability to counteract the isolation of writing
- Develop strategies for giving engaged, useful feedback to others
Expectations and Commitments:
Faculty participants will meet four times, spending two hours in bi-weekly synchronous sessions (8 hours of total contact time) with the entire group with additional asynchronous writing, editing, and reading time presumed. Collegiality and confidentiality are fundamental to create a space where participants can share their in-progress writing and thinking. All accepted participants will receive a copy (physical or e-book) of the book before the start of the program.
Dates, Times, Location:
10-12pm EST on Zoom:
- Thursday June 15th
- Tuesday June 20th
- Thursday June 22nd
- Tuesday June 27th
Additional wrap around supports and check ins will be scheduled for July, Aug, Sept and Oct. These 1-hr drop-in checking sessions will provide opportunities to reconnect with cohort members and provide group accountability on submitting book proposal packets. Dates, times, and locations of these meetings will be determined by 2023 cohort members.
Requirements for Participation:
Participants must hold a continuing faculty appointment at the University of Toronto. To optimize program impact, participation will be capped at 30 participants.
Elizabeth Parke, Faculty Programming Development Officer at CRIS with strategic support from Krystyna Kongats Collaborative Programs Officer, CRIS.
Interested faculty should register their interest by clicking the register button and completing the required application form through EVE by May 8th, 2023, 11:55pm EST. Questions about the program, time commitment, or topics to be covered, please email CRIS’ Faculty Programming Development Officer, elizabeth.parke@utoronto.ca.
Communicating Results:
We thank all faculty who apply, all applicants will be notified of the results by email by May 10th, 2023.
Learning Objectives
At the end of the Book Proposal Studio participants will have:
- Identified target press for proposal submission
- Have a complete draft of a book proposal submission packet that includes:
- A letter of Inquiry to an Acquiring Editor,
- Chapter Summaries and Titles,
- A project Description (one sentence + short description),
- A draft Book Title
- Establish regular and consistent writing habits
Additionally, participants will have these longitudinal outcomes:
- Built Peer-to-peer, cross disciplinary networks at UofT
- Understand how to create, run, and maintain future book proposal workshops in their own departments/divisions