NVivo 12 Basics (for Windows)

This hands-on workshop provides the foundation for using NVivo 12 and is designed for anyone who is analyzing qualitative research. You will gain key skills in NVivo 12: Create a research project | Use real research data to set up [...]

Introduction to Data Visualization

Data Visualization is relevant across disciplines as a method of communicating and gaining new insights from data, but what does it mean? Learn the basic types of visualization and a series of common, free tools for creating great visualizations. Register [...]

Story Time for U of T Families

Bring your children ages 2-5 years old and join us in the Robarts Library 9th floor Family Study Space for a story time event with Children's Librarian Joanne from the Lillian H. Smith Library. Snacks will be served.

SPSS – An Introduction

This workshop provides an introduction to using SPSS to perform common data management and basic statistical analysis tasks. Participants will work through hands-on exercises in SPSS, and will learn to import spreadsheets, manage and edit data, create charts and other [...]

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