Publishing in the Life Sciences: Authors, Reviewers, and Editors

Understanding the roles of authors, reviewers, and editors in the publishing process is key to researchers. Publication and dissemination of research outputs is integral to science. Attend this author workshop and learn about: How to write a great paper that [...]

Introduction to Data Visualization

Data visualization gives us a better understanding of our data and helps us communicate that to others. It has the potential to generate insights, communicate findings, and illustrate evidence. Conversely, a poor visualization can undermine an argument or even mislead [...]

Introduction to EndNote Desktop

In this workshop you will learn how to create a library, create and manage groups, import citations from different databases, remove duplications, make global edits, find full-text articles, edit output styles, and use the EndNote plugin for MS Word to [...]

Using NVivo as a Research Tool (Webinar)

Register for this Webinar at: This webinar will cover how NVivo can assist with your research in the following ways: Transcription: New NVivo Transcription tool that can be your automated transcription assistant. Quality assessment of articles Literature Review: Efficiently organize and tag [...]

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