2021 STAR Workshop #8 – Research Budget Management – Nov. 24, 2021

Learn about best practices in research grant budget monitoring and management. Improve your knowledge of monitoring actuals versus budget and the different tools that can be used.  Discuss practical case studies with your peers to support your understanding of budget management in a [...]

Introduction to Data Visualization Using Tableau Desktop

Data visualization gives us a better understanding of our data and helps us communicate that to others. It has the potential to generate insights, communicate findings, and illustrate evidence. Conversely, a poor visualization can undermine an argument or even mislead [...]

Arduino Basics

This session will occur online and is facilitated by the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus Makerspace. This hands-on session will introduce you to the basics of Arduino using a virtual kit. At the end of the workshop, you will have [...]

LaTeX for your thesis

LaTeX is a free document creation alternative to MS Word which specializes in the creation of professional documents such as journal articles, theses, books, and scientific or technical reports. LaTeX is the standard for writing in many STEM fields and [...]

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