Research & Innovation Dashboards Training for Users – July 19, 2024
Join us at this online training/demo of the VPRI Dashboards, including ART (Tableau)! Dashboards access is required and limited to staff in research roles at U of T.
Join us at this online training/demo of the VPRI Dashboards, including ART (Tableau)! Dashboards access is required and limited to staff in research roles at U of T.
Introducing the Toronto Data Workshop (TDW) Summer Series, bringing together academia and industry to share data science best practice. TDW is a joint initiative between the Faculty of Information and […]
Are you a mid-career professional in Canada with a significant record of publication, exhibition or performance of your work? The Guggenheim Fellowships are open to self-nominations for writers, scholars, scientists, […]
Join the CanPath Access Office and the Canadian Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium (CANUE) to learn more about how you can leverage CanPath and CANUE data to improve the health, […]
Canadian researchers are invited to attend a webinar jointly coordinated by Universities Canada and Universities New Zealand. It will be an opportunity to hear from the New Zealand experience with […]
CIHR will be hosting webinars to support participants with the requirements of the funding opportunity and answer questions. Please visit the CIHR Webinars page for more information and how to […]
CIHR will be hosting webinars to support participants with the requirements of the funding opportunity and answer questions. Please visit the CIHR Webinars page for more information and how to register.
The Arts & Science Office of Research Services is pleased to announce the return of the CIHR Summer Project Grant Writing Workshops. ( All eligible Principal Investigators having a primary budgetary […]
Module 1: Safeguarding Science: Raising awareness of security risks and mitigation tools in the research ecosystem Canada is a leader in innovation, research and development, thanks to the research community’s […]
The Centre for Research & Innovation Support, in collaboration with Research Services Office, is hosting a webinar on the upcoming 2024 SSHRC Insight Grant (IG) competition for the University of […]
Register now for the third annual Climate Positive Energy Research Day project showcase and networking event! This highly-anticipated event will be hosted in-person only at the University of Toronto, and […]
CIHR will be hosting webinars to support participants with the requirements of the funding opportunity and answer questions. Please visit the CIHR Webinars page for more information and how to register.
Join us for the next Cyber security and your research(ers) Office Hours session. These monthly office hours are geared towards researchers and research-supporting staff, by (1) providing a forum for them to […]