Reflection Exercise

Moving through a structured reflection process ensures all participants have the opportunity to share their perspectives.
Resource Type:
Use this to:
| Facilitate| Debrief|

During a facilitation, you may have a topic that you would like to discuss as a group to gain different disciplinary perspectives and input on. The following structure identifies a way to ensure each participant has an equal opportunity to share their perspective. Please note: This technique can also be used in a virtual context by leveraging breakout rooms through platforms such as Zoom. 

Session Approach

Individual Reflection

Begin with each participant completing an individual reflection, creating a safe space to record their thoughts and perspectives. As the facilitator, provide your participants with stimulus to guide their reflection, such as a question prompt. Give each participant 5-7 minutes to reflect individually on the topic at hand and have them write down their answer.

Example prompts:

  • What are the most important priorities to achieving our goals from your perspective? 
  • What values or skills does each faculty member bring to the engagement?

Small Group Share Out

Assign participants into small groups, ensuring diverse representation from each discipline involved, and have each participant share their thoughts from their individual reflection. Assign a spokesperson in each small group to take notes of the key conclusions being shared.

Large Group Share Out

The facilitator will then guide a large group share out. Ask the spokesperson from each group to share the key conclusions from their small group discussion. In this process, invite participants to fill in any gaps or provide further comments or reflections.

Synthesize the Discussion

Use a flipchart (if in person) and begin to categorize themes and key conclusions, using statements such as “What I am hearing is…”. This brings alignment and ensures everyone has the same takeaways. 

Last Updated:  March 23, 2021
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