Building one-stop support hub for U of T researchers

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Supporting research and innovation is a key priority for the University of Toronto – which is why it launched the new Centre for Research & Innovation Support (CRIS) earlier this year.

The new centre will be a highly visible, one-stop shop where researchers can easily access the information, training and tools they need to accelerate their work.

Improving access for the tri-campus community, CRIS brings together the expertise and strengths of the Division of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation (VPRI), U of T Libraries and Information Technology Services.  The strong partnership between portfolios is one of the key opportunities that CRIS will leverage.

To read the full article please visit The Bulletin (U of T): Newly appointed director of Centre for Research & Innovation Support building one-stop support hub for U of T researchers

Photo Credit: The Bulletin (U of T)


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