CRIS Research Roundup

A weekly digest of research and innovation communications.

Issue 205: Week of Monday, May 27, 2024 – Sunday, June 2, 2024

In This Issue

Resources for the Research & Innovation Community

U of T Pride

Original Communication – Sexual & Gender Diversity Office: May 30, 2024 
From its inception following the Stonewall Riots in 1969, Pride has always been more than a celebration: Pride commemorates pain and loss within 2SLGBTQ+ communities, and it serves as a demonstration to highlight the continued importance of resisting homophobia, biphobia and transphobia, particularly in their intersections with other identities and experiences. Browse the 2024 Pride Calendar to see all the events across tri-campus for Pride month. 

Additions to University of Toronto Library Collections

Original Communication – Collection Development Department: May 31, 2024

LGBT Magazine Archive Collection 2 includes more than 40 previously hard-to-find magazines and many long-running and influential publications. Notable topics from Collection 2 include Anything that Moves, a Bay Area magazine aimed for a bisexual readership from 1990-2001, and BLK, a Los Angeles news magazine launched in 1988 that sought to provide information to Black LGBTQ community members about political action, social interests, and the AIDs epidemic. Of interest to scholars in sexual diversity studies, media studies and history, political science, cultural studies, sociology, equity studies, American history, and public health. 

Underground and Independent Comics, Comix, and Graphic Novels: Volume III, The Modern Age collection adds 125,000 pages of contemporary primary sources created between 1986 up to the present. Contents examine trends and developments particular to the Modern Age of comics in North America: digital creation tools, shifts in narration, and the rise of independent publishing houses and diverse voices. The collection also includes interviews, commentary, criticism, and other supporting materials. Of interest to scholars in comics and visual arts, media studies, sociology, and cultural studies. 

PBS Video Collection, 5th edition includes more than 1600 streaming videos, including documentaries and series from PBS. The collection provides comprehensive coverage across STEM, humanities, social sciences and performing arts. Videos included cover the areas of current events, literature and drama, music and art, and science. Of interest to scholars across many disciplines including political science, American history, media studies and journalism, drama and performing arts, public health and science. 

Funding & Information from Sponsors & Partners

News, Information & Updates

Original Communication – Institutional Strategic Initiatives: May 30, 2024
The Institutional Strategic Initiatives (ISI) Office has shared their impact report featuring success stories from U of T’s 22 Institutional Strategic Initiatives (ISIs) and the special projects their office supports. These stories highlight how important the ISIs are to the university community—they are strengthening collaboration, helping to build partnerships, attracting significant external funding, supporting faculty and student research, and creating new training opportunities.

Original Communication – UTSend 
UTSend was a service to make it easy for you to move files, including large files up to 1.0 GB, in and out of University of Toronto. This service has ended as of May 31, 2024. U of T users can now transition to OneDrive for seamless file sharing.

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