Intermediate R – part 1 – CANCELLED

This workshop introduces users to statistical methods using R in RStudio. In particular, it covers t-tests, ANOVA, correlation and linear regression. Please note that you do not need to attend Intermediate R part 1 to attend part 2 because they [...]

Shut Up and Write (Weekly sessions) – *Cancelled*

Cancellation notice: As of March 12, the University recommends cancellation or postponement of all discretionary events that are not required as part of courses and academic requirements due to concerns over COVID-19. As a precaution, we will cancel all remaining [...]

Company and competitor research CANCELLED

For students of all disciplines interested in learning more about researching companies and finding competitor information. Includes an overview of subscription databases and publicly available resources for company research. You’ll learn how to: Evaluate different types of company information and [...]

Industry research for startups

Whether you are on the edge of a new industry to looking to enter an established sector, you need to quantify and understand the industry players, segments, and size. This workshop introduces you to existing sources of industry information such [...]

Introduction to LaTeX – CANCELLED

LaTeX is a free document creation alternative to MS Word which specializes in the creation of professional documents such as journal articles, theses, books, and scientific or technical reports. LaTeX is the standard for writing in many STEM fields and [...]

***CANCELLED *** Data Resources for Entrepreneurs (The BRIDGE, UTSC)

When: Thursday March 19, 2020, 2-4pm Location: The BRIDGE Lab, 1095 Military Trail, Scarborough, ON M1C 5J9 Instructor: Deena Yanofsky, Data Librarian, UTSC  The ability to ask and answer real-world questions from large and small data sets, and to communicate [...]

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