PHY1610 Scientific Computing Lecture

This course is aimed at reducing your struggle in getting started with computational projects, and make you a more efficient computational scientist. Topics include well-established best practices for developing software […]

EES1137: Lecture 20

REDCap Resources

In this course data analysis techniques utilizing the Python and R languages will be introduced, as well as the basics of programming and scientific computing. The goal of this course […]

Accessible Social Media – Mar. 21, 2024

This session will provide communications professionals with key resources, tips and techniques to support the development and creation of accessible social media content. Participants will be reminded of our obligations, […]

Parallel Debugging with DDT


Debugging is an important step in developing a new code, or porting an old one to a new machine. In this session, we will discuss the debugging of frequently encountered […]

EES1137: Lecture 21

REDCap Resources

In this course data analysis techniques utilizing the Python and R languages will be introduced, as well as the basics of programming and scientific computing. The goal of this course […]

PHY1610 Scientific Computing Lecture

This course is aimed at reducing your struggle in getting started with computational projects, and make you a more efficient computational scientist. Topics include well-established best practices for developing software […]

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