Shut Up and Write (Weekly sessions)

Having trouble with finding the time and motivation to write? Shut Up and Write is a chance for academic writers within the UofT community to write productively in a communal setting. The drop-in sessions will follow the Pomodoro technique where [...]

Maximize your Research Impact Series: PART 2 – Your Researcher Identity

Maximize your Research Impact Series Understanding how your researcher identity and your research outputs (articles, books, patents, conference proceedings, posters, data contributions, videos, blog posts, etc.) are measured and quantified is crucial for researchers at all stages to understand. How [...]

Finding Canadian & International Microdata

This workshop will introduces you to individual-level social science survey data from Canadian and international sources. We will cover search strategies and techniques and there will be hands-on time for exploring and discovering data of interest to your own research. [...]

My Research: MRHP and MRAP User Clinics – Feb 28

256 McCaul St. Room 103 Toronto Ontario M5T 1W5

MRHP and MRAP User Clinics - Bring your work! MRHP and MRAP users are invited to work on their own research protocols during these sessions at which support team members will be available to answer questions or troubleshoot issues. A [...]

Introduction to NVivo

This session occurs at the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus and is part of the Digital Scholarship @UTSC Series. NVivo is a qualitative data analysis software program that can help you to organize, manage, and make sense of research data such [...]

Intermediate R – part 2

This workshop introduces users to intermediate data processing tools using R in RStudio including reshaping data files, loops, ggplot2 and R Markdown. Please note that you do not need to attend Intermediate R part 1 to attend part 2 because [...]

EndNote Essentials – CANCELLED

Description: Endnote is a reference management software designed to support academic research. In this workshop, you will learn about the features and functions of Endnote, with a particular emphasis on how it can be used to store, organize, and sort citations [...]

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